Saturday, August 12, 2006

Our website is online - About the background to get there

Since yesterday our website is online Preparing it was a real challenge. For me it was important that it would be in three languages to reflect our daily life (...our fourth daily language - Swedish - is not planned for the time being, :-)). For English and French that was ok. Then for the German version, we partly did it ourselves and partly got the support of a dear friend for both revision and translation, Vera (

The next challenge was to select the information and avoid falling in a too big ego trip whereby we would list all we have been practicing and trained for while not necessarily being able to attach something concrete to this information. In this respect, the preparation process was a real cleansing process. It brought me a lot of focus and served as a practice of being present to who we are and what we actually do.

I went through quite of a process to be able to explain in writing what I understand personal development and distinguish it from what I understand of what a spiritual quest is. I will continue working with these two aspects and and expand and refine them as it feels important for me to have them explicited.

Looking forward to hearing from you !


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